🚀 The State of AI and Amazon

🤖 Automate. Get Notified. Protect Your Reputation

Negative reviews are like flies when you’re trying to enjoy a picnic. Super annoying and they never seem to go away.

If you’re like me, you like being alerted the moment one of those annoying 1-star reviews comes knocking at your door.

Arthy is an AI tool that has solved this problem and offers so much more.

Their dashboard has three main functions:

1- Instant negative review alerts (especially efficient when paired with your VA)

2- Automated review requests

3- View all your reviews across your account in one place. Hundreds of SKUs? Stop scrolling and start filtering.

Arthy’s suite of tools will boost your efficiency as a seller and simplify your operations.

And there’s more. Arthy also offers something called a “Return Analyzer”. Thanks to OpenAI, Arthy will analyze each one of your returns and let you know what needs to be fixed.

👉 Sign up HERE and start protecting your reputation.

🛠️ 3 Solutions Worth Checking Out

🚀 OFF-AMAZON TRAFFIC THAT CONVERTS - Ranking on Amazon with PPC alone is a losing strategy. Perch+ gives you access to Top 10 lists, deal sites, and more. Grab 20% off your first month and tell them Amazon insiders sent you!

🤑 GET $1,000 IN AMAZON REIMBURSEMENTS - GETIDA has been maximizing FBA seller reimbursements for over eight years, and has quickly become a seller favorite. Joining is quick and easy, get your first $1,000 in reimbursements free. It's not uncommon to see $20k+ in reimbursements after the first audit!

📊 AMAZON RESEARCH SOFTWARE - There's a reason why I and over 600,000 Amazon sellers choose Jungle Scout as their preferred research tool when trying to find their next home run. Their data accuracy and optimization tools are unparalleled. Grab 30% off by going HERE.

*(everything above is a sponsored ad, get yours here)

🚀 This Week's Amazon Hack: A Quick AI Update

Lately, Amazon has been pushing updates out at breakneck speed. AI is no exception. Typically, I can keep you updated once a week on the biggest Amazon seller updates but AI is moving so fast, that I decided it would be good to get you up to speed on the state of AI and Amazon.

Let's dive in...

Rufus Goes "WOOF"

Amazon catches up to Walmart and launches Rufus, their new AI shopping assistant tool.

Here’s a summary of how it will help customers:

-Shop by occasion or purpose (e.g., “What’s a good birthday gift idea for a pirate?”)

-Get help comparing product categories (e.g., “What’s the difference between a bidet and washlet?”

-Find the best recommendations (e.g., “I forgot about my wedding anniversary. What’s a good gift I can get her to avoid being banished to the couch forever?”)

-Ask questions about a specific product while on a product detail page (e.g., “Are these headphones good for blocking out the noise of crying babies on an airplane?”. Rufus will generate answers based on listing details, customer reviews, and community Q&As.

What this means for YOU:

What you “feed” the algorithm means more than ever. Remember when Amazon increased the search term character limits from 250 to 500 a few weeks ago? Now you know why. Use that space wisely! Audit your listing and make sure you have the most optimized text possible in your title, bullet points, and A+ content. And don’t forget that your alt-text for images MATTERS. This is annoying work but now it just has to get done. Because the AI assistant will be pulling data from your reviews, those stubborn 1-star reviews now are heavy burdens.

Is it rolled out yet?

Nope! It’s still in Beta so only a few select shoppers have access to it. Expect this to be rolled out within weeks.

Wait, who the heck is Rufus?

Rufus was actually a real dog. And not any dog! He belonged to Amazon’s former editor-in-chief and principal engineer and was known to roam the halls of Amazon’s first building and play fetch with employees.

Rufus was so ingrained in the company culture that many employees would buy Rufus presents for Christmas! His nickname at the time was “Amazon’s shortest volunteer worker” 😂

Rufus is probably the main reason why Amazon is such a dog-friendly corporation. Rufus had a long life at 15 years and passed away in 2009.

Long live Rufus!

New Product Listings in a Snap

Seemingly overnight, Amazon is crushing entire business sectors. With this change, it's Amazon copywriters. With their new tool, all you need to do is submit the URL of your Shopify listing and Amazon's AI system will write an "optimized" listing on your behalf. Now, will these need some serious edits? Absolutely.

For the bootstrapper, this is a great option to try. Amazon says that 80% of sellers who have tried this tool accept the results but I call BULL on that one. This is day 1 of the AI revolution. Most sellers agree Amazon's AI tools are rough around the edges.

Generative AI Fueled Ad Images

This is similar to the update above but this one is focused on ads exclusively. Inside the Amazon Ad Console, you will find a cool new tool that creates endless variations of ads using your listing's images. You can request lifestyle and brand-themed images. Again, these are not A+ images but expect the quality to get better and better.

Review Highlights Oh My!

This one had sellers up in arms! Basically what the generative AI does is gather all your reviews and filter them down to a short paragraph. It attempts to highlight what customers like about your product and any negative trends. My one word of caution here, CHECK your freaking listings!

Amazon has had serious issues with this update and sellers have had these reviews damage their reputation. Only trends should be mentioned here. If Amazon pulls a random negative review and mentions that it's a common theme, contact Seller Support and have them fix it. They will.

Automated Bullet Edits? Gross!

Amazon recently launched automated AI bullet edits where their AI model tweaks the text on your listings without your approval. How nice of them!

It gets worse. It's been making changes to listings and adding language that causes the listing to be suppressed! Thankfully, the good news is that you can OPT OUT. It's pretty easy. Just go to this link and unenroll from the AI program.​

That addresses any future changes but for any past edits that you never approved, you will need to create a Seller Support ticket and inform them that their AI has modified your listing without permission and you want it changed back. I would also mention that you have unenrolled from the AI program entirely.

Now, go check your listings to see if Amazon jacked anything up!

😎 That's a wrap! As further AI developments happen, you know where to find them. AI has a LONG way to go. The biggest takeaway is that you can't rely on Amazon. Watch them like a hawk.

🤝 Whenever You Are Ready

Here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Get In Front of My Audience - With more than 18,000+ newsletter subscribers, 29k+ Twitter followers, and 7k+ LinkedIn followers, I work with dozens of partners in unique ways to help them grow here.
  2. Hire Me As Your Amazon Advisor - I work with Amazon sellers of all sizes on all things from growth hacking to exiting for millions of dollars. If you're ready to take your brand to the next level, book your free discovery call!

Jon Elder

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